
You Owe Us is a group that aims to show that the world’s biggest companies are not above the law. 

Many of the cases we are working on tackle important societal issues such as the environment, consumer protection, data rights, access to justice and financial mis-selling.

Our mission is to help thousands of consumers and numerous SMEs take on large multi-national defendants.  We are in the process of developing a variety of cases in adjacent areas including consumer credit, digital technology, “greenwashing”, agricultural, and environmental pollution claims.

You Owe Us was launched in 2016 and originally conceived as part of Richard Lloyd OBE’s ground-breaking attempt to obtain modest, yet meaningful, damages for each class member. Richard was the class representative in a multi-billion-pound action on behalf of 4.4 million iPhone users affected by the ‘Safari Workaround’ against Google LLC.

A Supreme Court ruling in November 2022 meant that the case against Google could not proceed; however, the Supreme Court did consider the representative action regime extensively and generally endorsed the use of the procedure under English law. The judgment is widely regarded as a landmark decision in which the Supreme Court clarified important aspects of both data protection law and the law of collective redress.

Milberg London LLP are the solicitors instructed for the claim. Milberg London is affiliated with the US firm Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, PLLC (“Milberg”). Since Milberg’s founding more than five decades ago, the firm has repeatedly taken the lead in landmark cases that have set ground-breaking legal precedents and recovered more than $50 billion in the US.

Milberg London plans to replicate that success in the UK and help to keep corporations honest and compliant through their group action work.


You can learn more about the claim from the associated documentation. Click the link below to visit the documents page.


Read the FAQs for more info about the claim.